Six bodybuilding tips to keep the mind
Do you want to build muscle and have a fit body? Many people find it difficult to create a bodybuilding plan to achieve that as quickly as possible. You need to define how many times you should go to the gym each week. The next step is selecting the right exercise type to support our goal. It is also another difficult task. In this article, you will find six bodybuilding tips to keep in mind that may help you plan the workout.
1. Lift more and more weight
The main idea for bodybuilding is of course to gain muscle. To gain muscle, you will need to keep adding weight to lift. Put lots of works gradually on your muscles as time goes by. Lifting is the most important exercise, whether you want to gain or lose some. Try a variety of strategies like supersets and drop sets, so your workout does not make you bored. Lifting will push the limit of your body.
2. Don't over-exhaust
Do not fully exhaust the muscle or you will have some serious problems. We know that to grow muscle, you need to exhaust them. Well, this is true but you should not cross the limits, or you may have an injury. Some injuries can be minor but if you are not careful, they can be major and even permanent. In general, always remember to stretch your muscle before lifting heavier weights.
3. Focus on Compound Exercises
Do compound exercises. Do a little research about the specific exercise, because you cannot spend all day doing numerous exercises at the gym. You should pick a set of exercise that trains the exact muscle groups you are targeting. By doing compound exercise, you will see the result faster. Most of the exercises in your workout plan should include the one that trains a minimum of two muscle groups. For example, the shoulder press trains both of your triceps and shoulders. Another example is squat; it builds your hamstrings and quads and if you find a better exercise like the bench press, (it will work the chest, triceps, biceps, and shoulders) focus on doing it.
4. Eat before and After Workouts
Eat sufficiently before and after a workout session. Your muscles need amino acids and carbohydrates to build new tissues after an extensive workout. The lack of nutrients during the bodybuilding program will prevent you to see the result. Many people also try protein powder to supplement their workout. They do work for some people but you need to speak to your trainer to see if you are suitable for these supplements. In general, people who bulk up easily don't need protein powder while naturally lean people may need it.
5. Avoid the Plateau
At some point during the bodybuilding program, you may be trapped by a plateau. A plateau is a period where you see zero progress. So what should you do if you get in a plateau? You can prevent a plateau. All you need to do is keep changing one or two things in the plan. For example, you can change the order of the exercises, or substitute the exercise with the one that also targets a particular muscle. This way you will not get bored easily and get the progress you want. Some people try interval training where they will lift heavy weights with low repetitions, followed by lighter weights with more repetition, and so on. You will see some results if you try interval training and it can help you break the plateau.
6. Taking Rest is a Must
You cannot build muscles if you do not rest sufficiently. The muscles need time to recover after each extensive workout session. It will gradually break down if you do not let them rest. As a main rule, you need to take 24 hours of rest after a weight lifting session. Get enough sleep and nutrition, and you will see the result in no time.