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Rice salad with tuna and vegetables

Rice salad with tuna and vegetables

Rice salad with tuna and vegetables

Rice salad with tuna and vegetables ... Prepare the best Chinese dishes on your trip and learn how to make a delicious side dish with the taste of tuna fish rich in many benefits


Salad Dressing Ingredients:
Mayonnaise: 1 tablespoon (vegetarian)
Lemon juice: 2 tbsp
Olive oil: a tablespoon
Salt: pinch (or as desired)
White pepper: a pinch
Chili: half a teaspoon

1 - Basmati rice: half a cup (boiled and drained)
2 - Peas: 1 cup (boiled)
3 - Tuna: 200 g (canned)
4- Cherry tomatoes: 8 beads (cut into halves)
5 - Green Onions: A handful
6 - Green olives: 5 grains (cut into slices)
7 - Colored pepper: 3 grains (yellow, red and green)
8 - Parsley: little (to garnish)
9 - mint: little (fresh / topping)

How to prepare

1. Chop the sweet pepper in small and thin pieces, also chop the green onions, put all the ingredients in a bowl, and add the cherry tomatoes, cut into halves.

2. Add to it the amount of tuna, sliced ​​olives, and peas.

3. Add the boiled rice and stir it all together until the ingredients are homogeneous.

4. Bring another bowl and put the ingredients that we have prepared for the marinade until all these ingredients are homogeneous with each other. We can add two tablespoons to the mixture if this seasoning is thick inconsistency.

5- After we finish preparing the marinade, pour it into the first bowl and mix it with the rice and vegetables that have been done
Cut it up previously.

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