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Natural Remedies For Constipation

Natural Remedies For Constipation

Natural Remedies For Constipation

Constipation is a common digestive disorder affecting the body’s routine ability to excrete fecal matter. This condition is an offshoot of a digestive irregularity arising from the excessive absorption of water by the colon or large intestines and resulting in the formation of hard feces that takes its toll on the bowels. When one is constipated, defecation becomes difficult and if not treated immediately, the condition could lead to bowel obstruction. Know that bowel obstruction could heighten toxic levels in the body and there have been reports of death ensuing from chronic constipation.

What Causes Constipation?

One of the leading causes of constipation is a poor diet devoid of the essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber required for proper digestion. Direct digestive support can be acquired through the regular intake of vegetables and fruits that carry these essential nutrients.
Sedentary lifestyles, hormonal imbalances, and medications can make you susceptible to constipation disorders as well.
For someone frequently medicating on laxatives to treat constipation problems, you might just want to reconsider your options and use natural remedies to regain healthy digestive functions. Laxative use might just put forth serious side effects in the long run without rally resolving your constipation troubles. Below are recommended herbal remedies for this common digestive disorder.

Herbal Remedies for Digestion

While a fiber-enriched diet is prescribed to treat constipation, herbal remedies have been used in alternative practice to pursue digestive system healing.
Passion Flower is integrated as an ingredient of many health supplement formulas due to its bioactive properties that support nervous and muscular functions in the course of bowel movements. The Passiflora has also been observed to enhance the therapeutic effect of other herbal components in digestive supplements and has therefore been used as a support herb in standardized herbal remedies.
Aloe Ferox is widely administered as a digestive tonic to promote the formation of soft stools. It can be used as an alternative to laxatives and has been found to cure various diseases that inflict digestive organs.
Dandelion supports the digestive process by stimulating the flow of bile. The herbal has been used for many years as a supportive and cleansing tonic for the liver. As it is affirmed to contain essential vitamins and minerals, the dandelion will prove to be an excellent holistic treatment for people encountering constipation

Taking Care of Your Digestive System

 The uptake of healthy eating habits along with the natural form of treatment provided by herbal remedies can greatly benefit the digestive system's health.
One such remedy that combines the stated herbs in its formulation is Natural Moves. This standardized herbal supplement greatly helps in regulating bowel movement while promoting overall digestive health.
Put your constipation woes down the drain and do that with the help of natural remedies.
Constipation is a problem almost everyone faces at one time or another. Herbal remedies for constipation are a safe and natural way to get relief without upsetting your digestive system or introducing harsh chemicals that can produce side effects. By taking a natural approach to solving the symptoms of constipation, you can get long term benefits and support the health of your entire body.
Before we discuss laxatives, let’s briefly discuss dietary changes that can help. Eating a high fiber diet and drinking water helps keep bowels functioning properly. Bulking laxatives help ease constipation by adding fiber and lubrication that encourages the movement of bowels while cleansing the system. Psyllium husk, flaxseed, and fenugreek provide bulk that pushes debris through the bowels and cleanses the colon. Drink at least a couple of glasses of water when using this type of laxative.
Stimulating herbs such as cascara sagrada affect the function of the intestines themselves. Some herbal laxatives must be used with caution because they can result in diarrhea and dehydration. Irritating laxatives include aloe, not to be confused with aloe juice. It is very strong and must be monitored closely. Castor oil acts as a laxative, but it can produce dehydration, leading to chemical imbalances in the body.
Licorice is a safe laxative that can also be used in conjunction with other herbal laxatives to increase their effectiveness. Licorice acts by increasing intestinal responsiveness and relieving the spasms that result in cramping.
Dandelion root is mild and used by many people with chronic constipation. A tea is made by boiling the root in water. It can be taken up to four times a day as it is not a harsh laxative. It is recommended for people who have a long term problem with constipation that is not related to diet or stress.
If your constipation recurs as a result of lifestyle, herbal laxatives will not target the source of the problem. You will be more successful if you add herbs and exercise to promote a calming effect on your entire body. By adding healthful fluids, such as organic juices and pure water, and balancing your energy with stretching and yoga, you will allow your body to relax and work as an integrated system. Try drinking soothing chamomile tea and eating easily digestible foods that will soothe.
Herbal remedies for constipation offer gentle relief that can usually be used continuously. By avoiding chemical laxatives, you can regulate your body and bring it into balance for long term results.
Constipation is a very common problem in people of today’s world in general. And it is one of the most common digestive complaints in the United States in particular. The normal frequency of bowel movements varies widely from person to person, from once or more a day to three times a week. However, you are likely constipated if you pass a hard, dry stool less than three times a week.
There are many reasons for constipation. Irregular meal times, coupled with more synthetic, spicy and oily foods are some of the causes that contribute to constipation. However, constipation also stems from various psychological causes such as tensions, depressions, extreme emotions of anger and fear, and also climatic conditions. Eating unhygienic food, or eating food in unhygienic conditions can both cause constipation.
Anyway, if you are constipated, you must have researched constipation natural remedies through different means. In fact, there are many ways to remove constipation. Usually, treatment typically is dependent upon your specific case; however it is often diet and lifestyle changes that are natural remedies can help you.
Firstly, a diet with enough fiber helps the body form soft, bulky stool. High-fiber foods include beans, whole grains and bran cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables such as asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and carrots. For people prone to constipation, limiting foods that have little or no fiber, such as ice cream, cheese, meat, and processed foods, is also important.
Besides, lack of water in your system is a large contributing factor to constipation. Water is essential to many bodily actions and elimination of waste is very high on the list. So, drink enough water and other liquids, such as fruit and vegetable juices and clear soups, so as not to become dehydrated, engaging in daily exercise, and reserving enough time to have a bowel movement. In addition, the urge to have a bowel movement should not be ignored. So when you have to go, it’s probably a good idea to go.
Constipation effects most people more often than it should. It is an uncomfortable feeling and hinders healthy and regular bowel movements. It is caused when waste material moves through the colon slower than it should. This leads to hard stools and makes it very difficult to have a bowel movement. Other causes can include:
• Not consuming enough fiber-rich foods
• Dehydration (not drinking enough water)
• Preventing a bowel movement when you feel the urge
• Stress
When it is difficult to go, you can experience pain, pressure, and the constant strain can also develop hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids only add to the issue leading to over the counter treatments or in extreme cases removal by a doctor. Trying to have a bowel movement with hemorrhoids makes an already unpleasant experience that much worse.
It is essential to eat enough fiber-rich foods and consume plenty of water. Fiber helps waste material to travel through the large intestine. You can obtain fiber from fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Drinking enough water also helps to prevent constipation because, without enough of it, stools can become hard, thus making it painful and difficult to go.
I can share from personal experience that too much soda consumption can be a huge cause of constipation. If you drink more soda than water, you may have experienced the same issue. You may think that drinking other beverages such as soda, juice, or coffee is sufficient for your water intake but nothing can substitute water. How much water to drink daily is always a topic that is up for debate. The standard recommendation has always been 8 glasses per day. It is mainly important that you remain hydrated.
You would be amazed by how easy it is to stay regular just by increasing your fiber intake. Rather than your regular side order of potatoes or french fries, substitute with steamed vegetables more often. When you want a sweet treat, try snacking on prunes or apples. These subtle differences can cause huge changes in your digestion.
I have met people who are stubborn and refuse to drink water or eat vegetables. I can guarantee that constant constipation issues will change even the most stubborn person’s tune. Eating healthier is simply the way to go. Increasing fiber and water intake is a simple preventive maintenance that can save a lot of pain and stress.
Regular bowel movements can mean a healthier colon as well as helping you to feel lighter and healthier overall.
